Picture from: El País newsletter. Venice empty due to the pandemic
2020 has been... a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm sure a lot of you guys reading this had a lot of plans. Actually, when 2020 started I was really sure this was gonna be an amazing and unforgettable year. Turns out one of them is true. One of the sectors that were the most affected was traveling. First traveling restrictions, then a strong touristic ban, and now that restrictions were being lifted again... boom, the second wave of COVID.
So, what now? Traveling is one of the most important aspects of everyday life, whether it's for work or for leisure is part of humanity. Nat-Geo posted a coverage about how is traveling going to be in the post COVID era. It basically talks about how we can't be all nostalgic about the times before the pandemic. We have to be strong and adapt to new ways: more national tourism, fewer mass events, and more countryside traveling. If you are interested in learning more about these future and lets hope, near-future event, I'll post the link down below! Natgeo coverage: https://viajes.nationalgeographic.com.es/lifestyle/turismo-despues-coronavirus_15469